
At Anchor Orthodontics, we offer a variety of orthodontic services to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Our services include Invisalign, clear aligners, traditional braces, clear braces, adult orthodontic treatment, palate expanders, and comprehensive care. Dr. Lavigne uses the latest techniques and technologies to provide comfortable, effective, and discreet treatment options.


Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. Dr. Lavigne can help you achieve a beautiful smile with this comfortable and discreet option.


Clear Aligners

Our clear aligners are a great option for patients who want to straighten their teeth without the look of traditional braces. These custom-fit trays are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and brushing. Invisalign is a specific brand of clear aligners, and we do work with alternative companies when they might be a better fit for our patients.



Traditional metal braces are a time-tested and effective way to straighten teeth. Our team of orthodontic experts can help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile with this reliable option.


Clear Braces

Clear braces are a great option for patients who want the effectiveness of traditional braces with a more subtle appearance. Made of clear materials, these braces are barely noticeable and can be a great choice for both teens and adults.


Palate Expanders

Palate expanders can widen the upper jaw to make room for crowded teeth or improve breathing. Our team can help determine if this treatment is right for you or your child. Though we previously didn’t have an option to expand adults without surgery, Dr. Lavigne has additional training in this area and has even gone through adult expansion herself!


Sleep Apnea Evaluation

Assessing sleep patterns, breathing, and other factors to diagnose and determine the severity of obstructive sleep apnea.


TMJ Evaluation & Treatment

At Anchor Orthodontics, we offer comprehensive TMJ evaluation and treatment services to address temporomandibular joint disorders. We will carefully assess your condition and provide personalized treatment plans to alleviate pain and restore proper jaw function.


Early Intervention

Help your child develop a healthy, beautiful smile. Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art technology to provide personalized treatment plans that set the foundation for a lifetime of dental health.


Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment isn't just for kids and teens. Our adult orthodontic options can help you achieve a straighter, healthier smile at any age.


Children's Orthodontics

Focuses on diagnosing and treating dental irregularities in kids, such as crooked teeth and bite issues using braces, appliances, and sometimes surgery for improved oral health and aesthetics.